Med App is the orientation platform of choice for leading Healthcare organisations. Currently in use at the following locations:AustraliaNSW-- South Eastern Sydney LHD● Calvary Health Care Kogarah● Prince of Wales Hospital● St George Hospital● Sutherland Hospital● Sydney & Sydney Eye Hospital● War Memorial Hospital-- Sydney Childrens Hospital Network● SCH Randwick● TCH Westmead-- Central Coast LHD● Gosford Hospital● Wyong Hospital-- Far Western LHD● Broken Hill Hospital-- Hunter New England LHD● John Hunter Hospital● Belmont Hospital● The Maitland Hospital● Manning Rural Referral Hospital● Tamworth Rural Referral Hospital● Armidale Rural Referral Hospital● Calvary Mater Newcastle● HNE Mental Health-- Murrumbidgee LHD● Wagga Wagga Hospital-- Northern NSW LHD● Lismore Hospital● The Tweed Hospital-- Western NSW LHD● Orange Health Service● Bathurst Hospital● Dubbo Base Hospital-- Illawarra Shoalhaven LHD● Shellharbour Hospital● Shoalhaven Hospital● Wollongong Hospital● ISLHD PaedsQLD● Greenslopes Hospital-- Central West Hospital & Health Service● Alpha● Barcaldine● Blackall● Longreach● Primary Health Centres● Winton-- Metro North Hospital & Health Service● Royal Brisbane & Womens Hospital● The Prince Charles Hospital● Caboolture Hospital● Kilcoy Hospital● Redcliffe Hospital-- Central Queensland Hospital & Health Service● Rockhampton Hospital● Gladstone Hospital-- Darling Downs Hospital & Health Service-- North West Hospital & Health ServiceVIC● Northern Health● Royal Childrens Hospital● Alfred HealthSA-- Central Adelaide LHN● Royal Adelaide Hospital● Queen Elizabeth HospitalNT● Alice Springs Emergency DepartmentWA● Perth Children’s Hospital● Joondalup Health CampusNZ● Bay of Plenty● Capital and Coast DHB● Wellington Hospital● Hutt Valley● MidCentral DHBUnited Kingdom● Chelsea Westminster NHS Trust